What’s the buzz with Selenite?
Selenite is highly sought after for its high vibrations ability to cleanse and charge your other crystals! Who wouldn’t want a crystal the cleans up after your other crystals?!
Did you know that most shops sell Selenite, that isn’t exactly Selenite? They do this to “avoid confusion”, however, by doing this, it causes more confusion to those that are actually trying to learn! What is most commonly sold as Selenite is actually Satin Spar. Selenite and Satin Spar are very similar, from their chemical make up to their metaphysical properties, so it makes it easy for shops to sell both as Selenite.
So, what’s the difference?
Well, to explain the difference we have to dive a bit deeper… Selenite, Satin Spar, Desert Rose, and Alabaster are all part of the Gypsum family. Gypsum is the most common sulfate mineral that is used for fertilizer, plaster, blackboards, drywall, and even sidewalk chalk. Gypsum is formed when sulfuric acid reacts with calcium carbonate. Over time, Gypsum dissolves in water and is rarely found in sand form.
**Fun Fact: White Sands National Park in New Mexico have such unique conditions that there is approximately 270 square miles of white gypsum sand!
Gypsum has been found in China, Iran, Thailand, United States, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Japan, Russia, Italy, India, Australia, Brazil, France, Canada, Germany, Pakistan, and many other countries!
**Fun Fact #2: Pictures from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have shown evidence of gypsum dunes! Gypsum on Mars!!! This was confirmed by the Mars Exploration Rover.
Selenite is a crystalizing form of gypsum. This happens when water bodies evaporate over time and leave minerals behind. On the Mohs harness scale, Selenite is listed as a 2. This means it is an incredibly soft mineral and can very easily be scratched with your fingernail. Selenite forms in plate formations. The largest one recorded was found in Mexico and measured just over 37 feet long and approximately 3 feet thick! Selenite is typically colorless but can have trace amounts of iron that can cause tannish red inclusions (see the inclusion on my piece). If you are looking at something labeled Selenite, take note that it is not easily carved into dishes or figurines. If you find a selenite bowl, chances are you are looking at Satin Spar. You can find some small carvings, like small sphere’s and these appear to be more dull.
Satin Spar:
Satin Spar is a fibrous form of gypsum. Unlike Selenite, that grows in crystal slabs, Satin Spar grows in thin hair-like fibers that are bunched together. Due to having a rating of 2 on the Mohs hardness scale, these fibers can chip off very easily. Satin Spar is commonly found to be a translucent milky white in color and can be carved in various shapes and sizes. When carved, Satin Spar can have a very shiny appearance, sometimes even giving it the ‘cat eye’ effect.
Examples of Satin Spar Carvings:
Let’s talk about what these can do for you!!!
There isn’t much difference in regard to the benefits of Selenite and Satin Spar. The biggest difference is that Selenite vibrates at a slightly higher frequency, offering a slightly higher benefit… not really a noticeable difference. However, if you find a slab of Selenite, get it!
- Activate the Crown and Third Eye chakras
- Perfect crystals for meditation
- Ideal for spiritual and healing work
- Clear negative energy
- Calms nightmares
- Purifies it’s surroundings
- Self-cleansing – meaning that you don’t necessarily need to cleans them, however it is recommended that every once in a while you do by sound bath, palo santo, sage, moon bath, ect
- Cleanses and charges other crystals – This is the most common reason that Selenite is purchased! It is recommended that if you leave these with your other crystals (or within 3 feet) that it only be left there for 24 hours. By keeping these with your crystals, your other crystals will stay in a constate state of cleansing and charging (while this does help the other crystals stay at their natural vibration state, and free of any energies they have picked up, they are less likely to serve you fully and will need you to reset your intentions each time. I personally do keep small pieces of Satin Spar with my pocket rocks, as I reset my intention each day when I pick up my daily 5 and would like all the “gunk” cleansed at the end of each day! But for the ones in my healing room that I would like to use with meditation and reiki, I would like them to be ready to use without having to set the intention while I am intuitively grabbing them.
*Special Note - Over time, both will dissolve in water, it is best practice to not get these wet or keep them in humid areas. Although, if they do need to be cleaned of dust, you can use a damp cloth. I have seen experiments where someone placed them in jars with water for a couple of years and it seemed the only damage was done by her shaking the jar to stir up the water, causing the Selenite and Satin Spar pieces to break.
We currently do not have any Selenite in stock, but are hoping to get some too, if you are looking for Satin Spar, be sure to check out the pieces we have, you can view the items here.
We are so excited to be on this healing journey with you.
Sending you lots of love and healing light,
Missi Bostedt
"One foot in front of the other, with a pocket full of rocks"
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